Nuclear energy has proven to be very efficient, but nuclear waste represent the most destructive... Reasons why nuclear waste is dangerous include...
Nuclear energy can be found all around us! In this case, understanding better what happens in a nuclear power plant is definitely worthwhile. Processes that take place...
Renewable energy is one of the most effective tools we have to fight climate change. But is this all? No, it also provides us with a number of health benefits...
Solar and wind energy sound like the way to go for the bright future. But there is one aspect to consider, if we were to rely on them entirely. Are they able to...
How does biofuel work? Biofuels are as old as car engines, and yet, they are considered to be an alternative energy source...
Here are 10 interesting facts about non-renewable energy that just may come in handy next time you are discussing about our energy future.
There are a number of ways to make electricity out of geothermal energy. Find out more in this article.
Being the world’s fourth most abundant food crop, the potato can now potentially be an alternative power source to underdeveloped and remote areas. Learn how to produce electricity from a potato...
Did you know that out there are a lot more energy sources than the ones we already know. Here is a list of these strange sources we have yet to explore.
In a nutshell, energy can be described as green if it’s produced from sources that...Wind power fulfills the criteria of green energy, but what makes it special is...