Not only are they slender, graceful and beautiful, but the hawksbill turtle can actually glow! Here are some fun facts about the Hawksbill sea turtle...
These success stories of when people have worked together to recover endangered species from the brink of extinction show that we can make a difference.
As rubber has gained in popularity and demand, areas where the rubber trees grow have come under extreme pressure. Given how catastrophic the consequences are...
Sea sponges have survived through countless fluctuations in climates over millions of years. What is the main reason why these creatures are threatened nowadays?
Sea turtles face daily threats due to many reasons. They range from illegal fishing, habitat disruption, and accidental...So, how does a sea turtle protect itself?
How does shark finning affect the ecosystem? The loss of these creatures has far reaching consequences for the rest of the ocean. Most sharks are considered to be...
As sea turtle populations decline, so does their ability to fulfill vital functions in the ocean ecosystems. Here are the most important examples of their work.
Endangered species have better chances of survival with the help of every single one of us. Here are some tips of what you can do to save endangered wildlife...
Mass extinctions are often triggered by massive events such as an asteroid hitting the earth, however, the real causes are sometimes much more complicated than that.
Once a species is identified as endangered, there is a lot of work that we must do to protect the species. Examples of species that have recovered are...