The Most Threatening Sources of Groundwater Pollution
A large proportion of the human race relies on groundwater supplies as a primary source of drinking water, as 97 percent of the world’s freshwater supplies are in the form of groundwater resources [1]. As clean freshwater becomes increasingly rare in our world of constrained natural resources, we will need to work especially hard on preventing the pollution of our freshwater resources, especially groundwater supplies.
The following are many of the common sources of groundwater pollution in our world today.
- Septic Systems
- Small Disposal Pits
- House and Garden Chemicals
- De-icing Road Salts
- Landfills
- Storage Tanks
- Fertilizers and Pesticides
Pesticides can be a similar groundwater pollution problem when their use is excessive or applied at non-optimal times. They are sometimes stored improperly, resulting in leaks. These chemicals can leach through the soil and negatively impact animals that drink from pesticide contaminated wells, plants that are watered with contaminated well water, and can also negatively impact aquatic life.
- Hazardous Materials
- Animal Lots
- Urban Runoff
- Hydraulic Fracturing